29 August 2007

You're going to make it after all...

So it's only the 2nd day of the 2nd week of school and I am stressed.
Fortunately, I have a mother who won't let me indulge in pity parties for long, close friends who listen and help me put things in perspective, and the uncanny belief that God loves me and wants me to be happy...

22 August 2007

Je m'aime et donc...

There is an incredible amount of freedom that comes from loving oneself-not the narcissistic mess but genuine appreciation for the person one has become or is becoming.
I feel like I've reached a place or at least fairly close to reaching a place that many adults haven't reached in their development where they can say that the love themselves.
A gentleman who is like a mentor to me says all the time that "You have to get a Ph.D in yourself"-This is real talk.
When you begin to wrestle and work through all of the things that make you tick the hope is that you can fine peace in the complexities that make up human existence.
Loving yourself frees others to love you and allows you to love others.
Because I love myself I am able to love my family that God has blessed me with even when they're difficult.
Because I love myself, I can love my best friends and not get jealous of them.
Because I love myself, I don't have to size up or judge every other female in a 10 mile radius of me because I know I'm not perfect the way that I am,but I am what I am therefore tripping about someone else is wholly unnecessary.
Because I love myself I can reach out to others even if it is unreciprocated however,because I love myself, I won't (any longer :( ) deal with individuals who don't love me as much as I love myself or them. I don't think this is a bad thing, it just makes sense.
Probably more on this developing belief later in the year. But the thought came as a result of seeing people, not limited to freshmen,who for some reason or another don't seem to like themselves.
There's an amazing amount of clarity that comes from deciding to get your life right...and choosing not to care about insignificant events.

08 August 2007

Muy Caliente

This song is en fuego although the original is better by Sergio Mendes.

06 August 2007

God blessed the broken road...

I just walked away from/said goodbye to my Kostos.Surprisingly, I didn't cry-I think I'm growing up. Either that or I am ready to get the hell out of dodge. It's a good mix, I'd suppose.
I'm horrid with goodbyes, like wretched.Friday was my last day of work and I said I wasn't going to cry(lying to oneself is NOT a good way to live) yet I proceeded to tear up, my little nose reddening and such and cried like nobody's business. There's just something a tad disconcerting about one phase of your life ending and new possibilities(the unknown) beginning.
I've met so many interesting,sketch,fabulous individuals up here and I know I'm going to miss them. However, tears don't change things and so I must change my outlook. The summer has been miraculously awesome.I'm thankful for having the opportunity to go to Israel for the lessons I've learned this summer and the opportunity to live and work in our nation's capitol.
I have a sneaking suspicion that this is only the beginning of a curious relationship with this crazy city.
I've changed in some ways. And now my time in D.C. is done.
I'm a little bit sad, but more anxious to get back to the heartland. Something keeps pulling me back to Norman-It's like a magnet.
I feel like God has blessed the broken road that keeps leading me back to Norman, semester after semester.
What possibilities!