07 April 2009

The Long and Winding Road...

So I wasn't feeling well yesterday afternoon.
I said to myself, methinks it's time for an epic nap. So nap I did.
I went to sleep at 3h3oish intending to wake up and being productive(,but knowing the possibility of it not happening.)
At 7 I finally wake up, feeling slightly better and go to check my e-mail.
I see a subject line reading:
Acceptance into the French Teaching Assistantship Program 2009-2010

The letter continued:
Congratulations! We are very pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the French Teaching Assistantship Program for the 2009-2010 academic year, sponsored by the French Ministry of Education...
I read it overwhelmed.
Not only was I not expecting that after waking up from a nap,but I wasn't expecting to hear back so soon. They said they would notify us in May. Which is next month.
Furthermore, this almost didn't happen.
I missed the first deadline to apply. I was supposed to get a physical but was unable to at home over the break before I came back for the semester because of insurance issues. I was really sad,but didn't really think of it. I thought I'd be able to go Goddard and get a physical and still meet the deadline,but alas when I returned there was a flood and so they were backed up on appointments and so weren't able to schedule me in before the deadline.
At that time, I admit, I assumed it wasn't going to happen and I set my heart to finding another way to get back to France.
Then a miracle happened/French culture stepped in/divine providence:
I chatted with an acuaintance I rarely talked to and learned that she applied, after the fact to the assistantship program after having sent an e-mail to see if the deadline was a real deadline or a suggestion.
I did the same and found out it was the latter.
I know that God works all things out. And although I have no idea, very little idea to expect, I am thankful for the opportunity to live out my dream. It's beautiful because our Pastor has been talking about dreams and how they are gifts...We shall see.
I am so thankful and happy and blessed and all that.

What makes me even happier is that so many people are happy for me. I love celebrating other people's successes and happiness and it warms my heart that people care about me enough to share in mine.

The only thing is that i told mon cher and I didn't get the response I was hoping for. It really doesn't mean anything except I was a little sad. Granted what I would have loved is not his personality, so i should calm down...

1 comment:

Deja~I~Am said...

Now this is great!!!! like really