01 April 2009

Poisson d'Avril!

SO I woke up this morning earlier than I thought I would. I went to bed later than I have been(00h45) and just knew I was going to be exhausted,but once again I surprised myself.
I woke up at 7h00 and read my Bible portions and then checked my e-mail only to discover that gMail is once again killing the e-mail game.
First the unsend button(not perfect,but still cool)
Now, a program ,AutoPilot, that responds back to e-mails as I would based on the context of the e-mail? YES PLEASE!
Yes, I'm entirely too excited about it,but I love it.
Next I made poissons (fish) for Poisson d'Avril.
In France for April Fools they(primarily children haha) make paper fish and try to put them on people's backs. I love the idea. I wish it was tradition to eat copious amounts of Swedish fish :)
Anyway, last year at the Chateau d'Oklahoma we made so many fish and put them a lot of places. Including a giant shark type fish that resided in the bathroom along with a creepy(great) Christmas picture of Sufjan Stevens, I think.
It was great.
And it's only 8h46 :)

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